Saturday, 18 September 2010

A Hip Hop Wedding

When we came to Japan in 1995 for Ian to do his fieldwork for his dissertation, Ian met a group of young rappers who were trying to make it in the business.  They achieved some modest success, but Miss Monday was able to break out and become a star. Umedy, who was the group's driving force and manager ended up becoming Miss Monday's manager.  They have been together for years in a business relationship, but still surprised everyone with their plans to wed.

Miss Monday memorabilia throughout the years decorated the reception area

The first wedding took place in Hawaii.  The reason many choose to have a wedding away from Japan is the custom of wedding gifts.  Guests give money, a lot of it.  But then the bride and groom are expected to give little wedding tchotckes like plates and glasses in an amount that is slightly more than the gifted money they receive.  Hence, weddings are costly and complicated affairs of obligation.   

We attended the Tokyo reception held in a Harajuku cafe.  I believe that the dress code was a little more casual and flamboyant than a traditional wedding where all the men wear a white wedding tie and black suit.  There were supposedly seven after-parties, but you must pay to attend.  
Presenting husband and wife for first time

Many of the guests were industry people: singers, rappers, DJs, producers, etc...

The guy taking the photo in the background is DJ Etsu who was also in the original rap group with Umedy and Monday.

DJ Etsu

At weddings, the tradition is to send flowers similar to our funeral tradition.

It was a very relaxed atmosphere with tequila shots, clinking of spoons against glasses and short speeches.  Being a musical crowd, there were some impromptu performances which were fabulous.

Kiyosaku Uezu and Mummy D
appreciative audience

The guy in the white hat, Kiyosaku Uezu, is in Okinawa's Green Day-equivalent group Mongol 800 and the guy in the black hat, Mummy-D, is a famous rapper from the group Rhymester.  Mummy D is also famous for his hard-drinking and hard living and was looking like a young Keith Richards.
Links to a current music video of each:,

with Umedy

Ahh, the shoes!

getting toasted
It was a fun time, but I was ready to go.  Ian went to the first after-party and I headed home.  The subway was amusing for people watching as always.

When I got off at our stop, I heard drumming in the distance and remembered that our local shrine was having a fall festival.  I grabbed the boys and over  the 2 blocks over to check it out.  The contrast with the uber-hip wedding goers and the local revelers was remarkable.

traditional folk dancing

The sorry thing is that my kids are already jaded and didn't care about the festival.  They were just embarrassed that I was taking pictures.

fishing games with grandpa

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